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ADP in Computer Science

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ADP-Computer Science

Associate degree in Computer science

The field of computer science leads to a variety of careers that all require core computer science skills. These skills include theoretical learning as well as programming in different computer languages. Thereafter, within the field, areas of specialty lead into careers including computer programming, computer science, database management, and applications developer. With the internet being an integral part of everyday life, Web page authoring and Web applications development have been other areas of high demand in the job market.

The curriculum often introduces programming languages like C++, with options to study the development of mobile and web-based applications. Students also gain a technical foundation for a user support role. Employment opportunities for positions such as application programmer, systems programmer, systems analyst, and software engineer have traditionally been reserved for graduates with a BS in Computer Science. However, due to the rapid growth in computer technology, there are now many job opportunities for Associate Degree holders. Typical entry-level positions include technical support specialist, network technician, database application specialist, PC technician, and Help Desk technician. Interested individuals may also choose to pursue a bachelor's degree in computer science and become computer software engineers, advanced computer programmers or systems managers or administrators.

ADP Semester I
Sr.No Course Title
1 Introduction to logic
2 Introduction to Computer Sciences(C++)
3 Calculus I
4 Introduction to Financial Accounting
5 Functional English
6 Pakistan & Islamic studies
ADP Semester II
Sr.No Course Title
7 English Advanced Writing
8 Calculus II
9 Computer Programming
10 Database Management Systems
11 Ethics and Professional Practices
12 Finance for Computer Science
ADP Semester III
Sr.No Course Title
13 Object Oriented Programming 
14 Networking & Fundamnetals 
15 Technology Enterpreneurship
16 Communication skills
17 Project-I
ADP Semester IV
Sr.No Course Title
18 Operating Systrems
19 Introduction to Management Information System
20 Web Applications Development
21 Mobile Applications
22 Project-II


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